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佛光山 佛陀紀念館地宮『文物』徵集辦法

一、 活動宗旨





七、 徵集內容:

1. 徵集的原則 :
2. 徵集的標準 :
3. 徵集的材質 :

八、 徵集方式:

1. 收件方式:
a.郵寄地址:高雄縣大樹鄉佛光山寺 佛光緣美術館總部 收
b.傳真 886-7-656-5196〈照片請郵寄〉。
c.傳送電子郵件。請至http://www.fgs.org.tw/ 下載活動網頁,直接進行線上填寫送件表,及上傳文物照片。
d. 電子信箱:bmc@ecp.fgs.org.tw

2. 收件後續處理:

3. 徵集流程如圖所示:

4. 公告結果:徵選物件入選將另行通知捐贈者。

5. 如有任何問題,請洽佛光緣美術館總部 如品法師 電話07-6561921#1439 傳真886-7-6565196

Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center
Treasures of the Underground Palace Collection Campaign

I. Purpose
To instill greater historical significance into the site so as to enrich future society, the “Fo Guang .Shan Buddha Memorial Center: Treasures of the Underground Palace Collection Campaign”’ is calling for artifact submissions. In total, there are forty-eight underground chambers (time capsules) that will house the selected artifacts. Submissions should fit within one or more of the following categories: religious faith, life, and culture. We hope that the artifacts, which will be commemorative representations of our time, will provide those who unseal each chamber with significant insights into who we were.
Buddhist artifacts, the top ten inventions of the 20th century, cultural artifacts of Taiwan, and family heirlooms are examples of items that we feel will express this sentiment.
Through our collective effort, the Buddha Memorial Center can become a cultural heritage site, which stores the memories of our era. The first in the history of Taiwan, this campaign aims to encapsulate the epoch of its cultural development providing future generations with a realistic perspective of where they came from. Let’s make history together and leave a legacy behind.

II. Advisor: Fo Guang Shan Religious Affairs Board

III. Organizers: Domestic and Overseas Executive Council
Humanistic Culture and Education Foundation

IV. Administrator: Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Headquarters Administrative Office

V. The campaign starts today and welcomes contributions from everyone worldwide.

VI. Logistics
Every year, collected artifacts will be encapsulated into four underground chambers until all forty-eight are full.

artifacts which are commemorative representations of our time.

non-biodegradable material, for example: jade, enamel, clay, porcelain, miniature sculpture, crystal, ivory, lacquer ware, cloisonne, rock, metal, chemical or metal alloy, Chinese eaglewood, seeds, fossils, modern technological material, lapis lazuli, Buddhist relics, coins, Dharma instrument, and so on.

VII.Submission procedure
1.Request for consideration form:
(1)Please fill out a Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center: Treasures of the Underground Palace Collection Campaign - Item Description Form, attach a photo of the item, and send it to the administrator via mail, fax, or email.
a. Mail:Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Headquarters Administrative Office Fo Guang Shan Temple
Dashu, Kaohsiung 840, Taiwan, R.O.C.

b.Fax:886-7-656-5196 (Please send the photo via mail or email.)

c. E-mail: bmc@ecp.fgs.org.tw

(2)One form to describe each item with a limit of 600 words. Please provide the name, address, and telephone number of the contributor for contacting purposes.

(3)Upon receipt of the formal submission, the item and its historical background will be vetted by the administrator and those obtaining approval will be forwarded to a review panel. The photo of the item will not be returned in the event that the item is not chosen.

2.Review, transport, and authorization:
(1)Each item will be given final consideration by a review board. If it is chosen for collection, an administrative staff will contact the contributor regarding the transport of the item.
a.It is preferred that the item be delivered by the contributor personally.
b.In the event of sending the item via mail, please use CERTIFIED MAIL and label it “Buddha Memorial Center: Treasures of the Underground Palace Collection Campaign.”
c.For large or fragile items, please contact Fo Guang Shan branch temples for assistance:

○1America—Hsi Lai Temple
○2 Africa—Nan Hua Temple
○3 Asia—Fo Guang Shan
○4 Oceania—Nan Tien Temple (IBAA)
○5 Europe—IBPS Paris

d.The contributor is responsible for the cost of transport.

(2)By making a contribution, the contributor has in effect donated the item to Fo Guang Shan. The administrator will present the contributor with a certificate of donation.

3.For inquiries, please contact: Venerable Jupin
Tel: 886-7-656-1921, Ext. 1439
Fax: 886-7-656-5196

Treasures of the Underground Palace Collection Campaign Item Description Form
Letter of Consent for Donation
Letter of Consent for Donation of Copyrights